Tuesday, February 1, 2011

♥ coffee salted loved story ♥

He has just graduated and is now called a doctor. Still single and looking for a wife-the lookout for friends and life.
One day, while having a drink in a coffee shop near a school in the Valley Banyan Tahfiz with a friend who hafaz Quran, he saw a girl who was so beautiful.
With a calm face and righteous appearance, she was very charming.
The doctor and the girl opposite points, but quickly turned away both of them.
"Astaghfirullah," the doctor whispered softly. He realized that the devil shots. The girl was drinking with two friends.
subhanallah, God's creation is so beautiful! Suddenly the doctor to be nervous, palpitations and completely wrong. He only wanted to get this girl as his wife.
The doctor whispered to his friend that Hafa Quran, "You know that girl?"
"Yes, I know. He was so courteous. and single," he replied with understanding smile. Alas, this young doctor grew nervous!
All of a sudden, came the server requesting the order , and he spontaneously said,
"Give me the salty coffee!"
Everyone looked and saw the strange to him, including his partner, server, and the girls. His face suddenly became red, but he still does not change the order, and after the coffee arrived, he continued to drink.
Surprise, his friend asked, "Why should your coffee salty, my friend?"
"When I was a kid, I lived by the sea. I really like playing on the sea, the place where I can feel the sea water salty and bitter .... Just like the taste of this coffee," replied the man.
Without realizing it, a pretty girl who sat at the table next to them hear the words of the doctor. The girl was overwhelmed. That is the thing that really touches the heart.Feelings are so deep that a man would desire to express their homes.
He certainly was a man who will love and care homes and family. He definitely has a sense of responsibility to be home and his parents. If he is a brother, I am sure he is very fond of her younger sisters. lucky who became his wife.
After the events, the doctor was asking him propose that girl. Shoots of our founding fathers, salads come. After knowing the group is represented merisik man he met at a coffee shop t previously, the girl who was then almost Tahfiz school graduation, received that doctor as her husband with an open heart.
Like a beautiful love story, God grant peace in their household.They live a happy, mutually love each other, although not to know each other before this. Love the pistillate after marriage, continued to bloom along with their obedience to the Creator. And each time his wife made coffee for her husband, she did not forget to put some salt in it, because he knew that her husband's favorite.
after 40 years of living together, her husband died. He leaved a letter for his wife.

"Sayangku, sepanjang tempoh kehidupan kita bersama, abang telah sentiasa jujur terhadapmu, tetapi maafkan abang untuk satu perkara. Maafkan kebohongan yang telah abang buat sepanjang hidup abang. Inilah satu-satunya kebohongan abang kepadamu - tentang kopi masin. Kamu ingatkah di saat kita pertama kali bertemu? Pada ketika abang sedang minum kopi dengan Ustaz Syakir, di maahad? Abang sangat gugup pada ketika itu. Sebenarnya abang inginkan kopi manis. Tetapi abang telah tersebut kopi masin. Waktu itu abang ingin batalkannya, tetapi abang terlalu gugup di hadapanmu ketika itu, maka abang biarkan sahaja. Abang tidak pernah menyangka itu akan menjadi awal perkenalan kita. Abang telah mencuba untuk mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya kepadamu..abang telah mencuba beberapa kali sepanjang hidup abang...tetapi abang tak sanggup melukakan hatimu..
Sekarang saat kamu membaca surat ini, abang sudah tiada. Tidak ada lagi yang perlu abang bimbangkan, maka abang akan menyatakan ini kepadamu: Abang tidak menyukai kopi masin. Tapi sejak mengenalimu, abang selalu minum kopi masin yang kamu buatkan sepanjang hidup abang. Dapat berada di sampingmu adalah kebahagiaan terbesar dalam hidup abang. Jika abang punya kesempatan untuk menjalani kehidupan sekali lagi, abang akan tetap berusaha mengenalimu dan menjadikanmu sebagai isteri abang walaupun abang harus minum kopi masin sekali lagi."
As she read, tears wetting the letter.
One day, someone had asked her, "How can the salty taste of coffee?"
She definitely answered, "It's very sweet."
That's the story of the ark of love between two people, a journey toward love of God.

Columnists Bios

Ahmad Izwan Nordin is one of the co-founder iLuvislam.com. Currently studying at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom in the field of medicine.